Agree, @Saq: context switching and mobile (+desktop) usage is the toughest 
nut to crack. It’s the classic problem of concurrent databases: in case of 
edit conflict, which version wins?

Best solution to this problem i know about is GitHub; indeed it’s the ease 
with which Logseq can sync from browser LocalStorage to GitHub that has me 
considering switch from Dynalist to Logseq. 

If we only had a good way to bridge the gap between .md file format ( 
default format of Logseq files at GitHub) and .tid format ( the way content 
of my TW instance at GitHub is stored), then we could have the first solid 
bridge between worlds of outlining and wiki-weaving that the world has ever 
seen, AFAICT. 

What do you think?


On Saturday, June 19, 2021 at 9:06:31 AM UTC+1 wrote:

> Hi Walt,
> It is mostly plain text, but for Markdown formatting ( which I could live 
>> without) and links- formatted like [Google](https:// -which 
>> would need conversion to [[wikilinks form|]].
> Right so importing something like this is definitely doable. You could 
> then either use the markdown plugin and just use these tiddlers as 
> markdown, or try to convert to TW markup. Where things get problematic is 
> if your content is using features or syntax specific to them. A markdown to 
> TW converter currently does not exist but should not be that much work. 
> I've dabbled in both areas previously, so time permitting might be able to 
> help out if you go down this road.
>> To this end, it would be interesting to understand what features or 
>>> workflow in Dynalist (or Logseq) make it better for note taking (vs 
>>> TiddlyWiki) in your experience. 
>> Essentially it’s about speed and portability, traversing/ elaborating/ 
>> reorganizing outlines as fast as fingers can type, and context switching 
>> from local desktop to mobile phone in the field ( i.e. cloud) many times 
>> per day without a hitch.  If this is possible in TW, I’d love to know how… 
>> But i think it’s a case of architectures that are optimized for different 
>> things, don’t you think?
> It actually isn't my intention to push TiddlyWiki here. I find it 
> interesting from a UX perspective when someone has a strong preference for 
> one tool over another. I always feel its best to choose the tool best 
> suited for a particular task. Also, tools should always complement one's 
> natural way of thinking and working rather than the other way. I often find 
> that conversations around note taking don't take into account individual 
> cognitive differences.
> Context switching and mobile usage is indeed in my opinion something TW 
> doesn't have a good workflow for. The single file model doesn't help either 
> when it comes to concerns about overwriting one version with one with older 
> content. For the use case you describe I would consider this to be the 
> biggest barrier. Setting up something like TiddlyWiki on node.js on Azure 
> would help, especially with the upcoming server sent events feature in 
> 5.2.0. However, that only takes care of the syncing and the UI issues will 
> remain.
> > Still more challenging to my mind is the diff between an outlining 
> editor and the text editing window in a tiddler;  that is fundamentally 
> constrained by web standards -is it not?
> Not really. After all dynalist also is implemented as a web app. Streams 
> goes some ways towards creating a similar workflow in TiddlyWiki even 
> though it was never intended as an outliner. I think a key difference is 
> that in dynalist you feel like you are editing a document, versus in TW or 
> Streams you have an edit window for one portion of the document. Part of 
> the reason for that is how rich TW markup (think widgets and transclusions) 
> can be and how different rendered text can be from the markup. This drives 
> the need for separation between viewing and editing for all but the most 
> limited use cases. However, for a keyboard driven workflow the difference 
> in practice in Streams is not that significant in my experience.
> Cheers,
> Saq

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