Hi Tobias,

well it will take some time to answer. Five years ago I started for a
customer systems engineering project a small TW containing terminology
in the field of expertise, terms of project management, QA
regulations, and engineering framework applied.

In the first version the tiddlers contained only plain textual
descriptions w/ images without any section structure.
In more versions the TW became my personal notepad holding terms of
the fields of computer science, project management, QA, testing, etc.
I became more familiar with TW technique and usefull plugins, and the
descriptions became more complex as well.
In the next versions I started with sectioning for new added glossary
tiddlers. In the next sections I introduced the !Overview sect. as
kind of abstract for easy tiddler referencing and embedding. Later on
I added between each main content section a refercence of the Overview
part for ease of understanding

Thus, the TW looks like an onion: the oldest tiddlers contain no
structure, some have an Overview and a Main sect. w/o Overview
reference, and some have an Overview and a Main sect. w/ Overview

--- v0.1 tiddlers ----
Blah blah Blab
---- end ----

--- v1.0 tiddlers ---
!Tiddler Name
blah blah
----- end ----

--- v2.0 tiddlers ---
blah blah1
!Tiddler Name
blah blah2
----- end ----

--- v3.0 tiddlers ---
blah blah1
!Tiddler Name
<<tiddler [[TiddlerName##Overview]]>>
blah blah2
----- end ----

All relevant tiddlers are tagged with "glossary". Tiddler with
additional tags "video", "abk", "glossary_transclusion" are apart from
this scheme.
I started the restructering because of consistency in content
structure and references. Actualy ~800 of  ~3600 items tagged as
"glossary" are affected by the refactoring.

Since these tiddlers differ in their structure due to historical
reasons, a script would probably not apply.

Cheers, Michael

On 17 Okt., 23:44, Tobias Beer <beertob...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > I agree with you. But the only reason is historical - this TW is a
> > glossary system (~2000 items) and a lot of tiddlers were structured in
> > the past with a section named equal to tiddler name. Having a !Content
> > section in parallel makes tiddler embedding much more complicated - no
> > one knows is the referenced tiddler old structured or new.
> > Michael
> Mhhh, I would not recommend putting a 'content' section in parallel,
> but rather as a replacement. So wouldn't something like that be an
> actual reason to restructure? Or do you have so much code depending on
> that old structure that you just can't let go of it?
> It does not seem very difficult to make a script that checks all
> tiddlers as to whether or not there is a heading that goes by the name
> of the tiddler and to replace it with a heading callled "!Content"...
> be that 2000 or 20 tiddlers. On the other hand... how do those 2000
> "items" relate to your 800 tiddlers?
> Cheers, Tobias.

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