It just struck me that tiddler bundling would (eventually) be a nice 
addition to the Advanced Search feature, in the Filter section. It fits 
very well with the export tiddler(s) concept... even very well, IMO.

I.e the filter result is automatically a link that really is a bundle with 
all those tiddlers.

And how about this idea; Imagine if *tags*, were really automatically 
bundle links! I mean... as it is currently, a tag is merely a label for a 
set of tiddlers, but why could it not BE the tiddlers in a more physical 
sense? Transferring groups of tiddlers would be extremely easy. A tag can, 
of course, also be the title of a tiddler in itself which should not be a 
problem (if one drags the tiddler link, then it's the tiddler, if one drags 
the tagpill then it's the bundle. And in the bundle, I the tiddler named 
the same as the group would constitute the initial content in the bundle. 
The idea of a tag as a bundle link feels like a very natural extension of 
the idea that tiddler titles are links.

I think it would be a particularly useful concept when we have the 
TWederation... or maybe it really could be seen as a part of twederating? 
It certainly is an infrastructurial aspect for sharing. It would be useful 
right away; For one thing, bundles as in "light versions of plugins" would 
be created incidentally and casually! People wouldn't even need to realize 
they were creating easily transferable sets of tiddlers. Any visitor who 
wants, say, a copy of the "Filter Operator" docs could get the stuff in 
literally 2 seconds.

And... I have an even wilder idea that I'll post in a separate thread 
titled something like "[TW5] Instantaneous TiddlyWikis"... I mean, what 
else is there to do a Friday evening?


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