Dragon Cotterill wrote:

Now one of the other thoughts I had was in the concept of data Tiddlers. I 
> know Mario wants to see all the data of any given Tiddler, but that's a 
> different matter. :) You should be able to have data WITHOUT the concept of 
> how it should be displayed, but use another Tiddler as the actual layout. 
> We have the ViewTemplate tiddler, but if you break that down to a smaller 
> level you can start to build up the Tiddlers to produce stronger concepts.

Unless I misunderstand what you're after; this is implemented in TW5 e.g by 
use of


possibly also the TiddlerWidget <http://tiddlywiki.com/#TiddlerWidget> 
(which, embarrassingly, I've not quite grasped yet)


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