
I'm a part of the minority which cannot use USB sticks at work. Security 
recognizes and blocks flash drives. The more restrictive my environment 
becomes, the more I dread the day I can't even get TW at work. I tired to 
email a copy of my project management wiki to myself at home and it was 
blocked based on content and file size. I imagine one day I won't be able 
to email myself an empty wiki from home to work, which is what I did to get 
it last month. I could get to the website but couldn't download an empty 



I think I get the analogy you're trying to make, but I believe the premise 
is slightly off because Excel is a complete package, meaning it's designed 
from top to bottom for all "parts" to work together. Tiddlywiki and the 
browsers are not designed that way. The only way to solve that would be for 
Jeremy to repackage the single file application as that "Excel"-type of 
program. I don't know anything about the JSON side of TW, so it could be 
that it provides this type of solution (?).

Also for clarification, TiddlyFox is just a FireFox addon that smooths the 
user's saving experience. It isn't a tool being manipulated by TW which 
seems to be how you're describing it. In fact, what you're describing as 
the future of TW is already in trouble and continues to be TW's recurring 
problem. Browser security continues to evolve in ways that close off the 
function TW needs to smoothly save over itself. That elegance is at the 
mercy of the browser developers. 


I completely get that mine is an unpopular opinion but I'm not seeing any 
way around it: Jeremy's fallback measure of using the Save dialog will 
become the only available way of saving TW in the future. I don't think of 
it as inelegant; I think TW users just aren't used to it and are loathe to 
accept it. Like I said before, we got used to a different experience. We 
have the expectation of it. Maybe it's time we reset our expectations on 
this one thing? Is it truly so disruptive to the user experience? I don't 
think so.

>From my point of view, it's actually much easier now that TW "falls back" 
to the Save dialog.


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