I have a few comments on this topic. In the GettingStarted tiddler of the 
TIddlyWikion the website there is an algorithm for saving the file under 
Firefox. I have a couple of comments about it.

The note of not using Firefox's Save Page function should be given more 
prominence. Instead of tucking it away after the algorithm, where people 
who think they know what they are doing (me), do not read that far. It 
should be included as a note within the algorrithm. 

In para 7 it says:
"Click *OK* in response to the prompt from TiddlyFox 
<http://tiddlywiki.com/#TiddlyFox> that asks whether to enable saving for 
this file"
This has never, I repeat never, happened to me. You have to click on the 
TiddlyFox Add On icon in the menu and explicitly Enable Saving. 


On Saturday, June 17, 2017 at 12:28:36 AM UTC+1, Richard Evans wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been trying to use TiddlyWiki for a long time, but the sheer number 
> of bugs I have encountered has put me off. I keep coming back to see if it 
> is any better. To date, I cannot report an improvement.
> I am sure a lot of people will vermently disagree with my previous 
> statement. I stand by it. You are all experienced users of TiddlyWiki, I am 
> a learner. Thus I may not do things in the correct order to prevent the 
> bugs. I have never encountered a message to say that I am doing things 
> wrong, so I have to believe that I have encountered bugs.
> My current missive concerns a bug in 5.14. I have a number of files that 
> use TiddlyWiki 5. I was updating one, when I decided to upgrade it to the 
> latest version. Accordingly I used the upgrader to upgrade the file. I did 
> this a number of times as there were problems with the final result. The 
> upgrade failed in one of two ways, either the document presented correctly, 
> but none of the menus, buttons etc worked. Or the upgraded document had two 
> menus, ( the section on the right which controls TiddlyWiki) overlaying 
> each other.
> I gave up at that point and decided to recreate my document (luckily it 
> was short), from scratch in an empty TW5. I did this and again there was a 
> bug, a different one this time! Presumably, to make life interesting. On 
> this occasion, I had two documents one after another in the file. The 
> edited file and original empty file.
> TiddlyWiki is a very good idea, but unless these bugs can be squashed in a 
> timely manner I shall have to, reluctantly, give up using it. I am wasting 
> too much time trying to get and keep a clean un-corrupted document.
>    SIncerely R A Evans

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