This was called "Slicing" in the old TWC. It was a much-loved feature that 
didn't make it into TW5.

I believe Thomas Elmiger has an extract macro which can be used in a 
similar fashion. See the thread:!searchin/tiddlywiki/thomas$20extract%7Csort:date/tiddlywiki/iuxR63gU2Tc/gP19TeavAwAJ

Good luck
-- Mark

On Tuesday, January 30, 2018 at 2:51:30 PM UTC-8, Diego Mesa wrote:
> Hello all,
> I *see* how powerful fields are. They create a clear division of text 
> that tiddlywiki knows how to deal with well. However, I *hate* 
> adding/editting fields. Its cumbersome, and annoying. I would like to 
> suggest an alternative: a "field" text box that is default collapsed that 
> works something like a dictionary tiddler (not exactly). Each line is a new 
> field like:
> name: field value
> name2: field val2
> name3: """ field value with "quotes" and 
> multiple lines"""
> name4: etc.
> This, to me, seems an easier, more intuitive way to view and manipulate 
> field contents. After all, its all text! *Note: *This is *my* opinion. 
> Everyone is free to disagree. I would just like to bring up this idea, see 
> if anyone thinks something like this is incredibly easy, or absolutely 
> impossible to implement. 
> If anyone has a different idea, please share!
> Best,
> Diego

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