Hey guys,

thanks to your help in the past I got pretty decent (apart from a few 
hickups) in developing my own TW plugins to keep track of a lot of stuff. 
However since I prefer to keep thinks seperate and do not want to put my 
beekeeping notes in the same wiki I keep track of my honey wine making I 
ended up creating quite a few wikis for various (logging) tasks. However 
since I come close to 30 instances all served by TiddlyServer (thanks 
Arlen) my poor Raspberry 3 which is my 24/7 home server starts to struggle 
with all the Node instances - one for every wiki - running at the same time.

So my question is if there is some way to keep just one Node instance 
running and serving multiple wikis through it. I know one Node instance can 
handle this, the CPU use is minimal over all but all the memory taken up by 
those processes is quite tough on my limited hardware. Since all the wikis 
share the same code base on the server and my plugins are executed in the 
browser I thought if it would be possible to have Node serve one "default" 
wiki where one can select which wiki to load.

Node could for example create one folder per wiki as the server version 
does already and determine which folder to serve via the URL or a 
configuration similar to the way NoteSelf handles different databases. 
NoteSelf was my inspiration about this to be honest and I think Daniello 
solved the multi-wiki problem pretty elegant, however I was not able to 
setup a CouchDB on my Pi the way that NoteSelf would connect to it (I am 
not used to CouchDB).

Is there any way one can serve multiple wikis through one Node instance to 
save ressources, especially memory which is the limiting factor most of the 

Sorry for my length I fought hard to explain my problem ;)


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