On Wed, 15 Apr 2009, DRC wrote:

If we once decided that we will use autotools we should not completely
rewrite our build system every year because something _might_ be
better. Next argument is that noone of developers know scons, I think.

Well, I didn't know AutoTools prior to 3 weeks ago either, but I knew it

But 3 of 4 core developers did, so we could assist you. No-one of use have experience with CMake or SCons, as far as I understand.

advantageous on Unix, such as the fact that Xorg uses it. However, I am very much a proponent of using a toolchain on Windows that does not require Cygwin. There is currently no way to use AutoConf/AutoMake on Windows without the Cygwin toolchain.

You keep saying that, but I don't understand why. I just tried installing MinGW + MSYS + MSYS DTK on my Vista machine and now I have the full Autotools toolchain, without Cygwin. The installation only took a few minutes.

It would make sense to me to switch to another build system on Windows, even if we don't switch on Unix.

Having to maintain two different build systems would really be a pain.

AutoConf/AutoMake is simply not an accepted way of building software among Windows developers.

I haven't seen any indications of this. If we should use MinGW (seems to be a strong consensus about that), then it should be trivial for Windows developers to install MSYS as well. The download is actually on the same page where you download MinGW.

My suggestion is that we try MinGW + MSYS on Windows; we haven't done that yet. If it turns out that this causes a lot of problems an unhappy developers, then we can reconsider.

Best regards, ---
Peter Åstrand           ThinLinc Chief Developer
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