On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 4:09 PM, Hal Murray <hmur...@megapathdsl.net> wrote:

> Modern gear on a LAN can do much better than 1 ms.  I get under 0.2 ms
> ping times.  Even
> going through a WiFi hop is mostly under 1 ms.

I'd guess the 1ms reference was offset not ping time.

At home I see .07ms to .6ms delay (all delays per NTP).  My symmetric WAN
peers (50ms delay) get ~2ms offset.  I have a 10ms delay from my work S1
clock to a "nearby" S1 clock in New Jersey and maintain a .5ms offset with
~.03ms jitter.

My home S1 clocks tick along mostly within O(1) microsecond.  Even the S2
clocks are consistent unless they're SBCs on WiFi.

I.e. if you're using NTP to do time transfer the network bits dominate but
the results can be better than some people expect.

There's still room for improvement hopefully without using a Soekris.
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