The point of me adding 
is that I want all request that match *.do to go through the Sruts ActionServlet. This 
includes any *.do in the <welcome-list/>. The ActionServlet delegates the request to 
the RequestProcessor, which uses the command pattern to map to the appropriate action. 
It should not be necessary to add as a servlet. 

Bill Barker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Tomcat 5 supports servlets as welcome-files, just not extension-mapped ones
(e.g. *.do, *.jsp). The reason is that extension-mapped servlets would
alway be choosen, even though in most cases the servlet couldn't handle it.

Simply adding a mapping like:


solves your problem.

"R A" wrote in message
> When entering a servlet(action) in the tag, Tomcat returns
a directory listing. Does it support servlets in the tags?
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