An alternative could be an extra servlet mapping in web.xml


R A wrote:
All of you missed a very important trick. Specifing an in the <welcome-file/> 
tag is ok, but remember is NOT a FILE, rather it is a struts action mapping!. 
Therefore just including in this tag would not work! The trick (yes trick since I 
do not see this documented anywhere) is to place an empty in the webApplication 
directory. Once Tomcat loactes the file, it executes the (URL)mapping to this file, which 
kicks in the struts ActionServlet. I notice this seems to be an issue with a lot of people 
on the internet, so I would document it - later!

Bill Barker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Suite yourself :). The other work-around would 
be to put a (possibly empty) file to let Tomcat know that there is something there for it to

"R A" wrote in message

The point of me adding

action *.do

is that I want all request that match *.do to go through the Sruts

ActionServlet. This includes any *.do in the . The ActionServlet delegates the request to the RequestProcessor, which uses the command pattern to map to the appropriate action. It should not be necessary to add as a servlet.

Bill Barker wrote:
Tomcat 5 supports servlets as welcome-files, just not extension-mapped


(e.g. *.do, *.jsp). The reason is that extension-mapped servlets would
alway be choosen, even though in most cases the servlet couldn't handle


Simply adding a mapping like:


solves your problem.

"R A" wrote in message

When entering a servlet(action) in the tag, Tomcat returns

a directory listing. Does it support servlets in the tags?

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