This behavior is not actually a bug, it is the due to the fact that the
touch does not have a battery backed up clock. When it powers on it has
NO IDEA what the date and time are. The way the clock gets it's time set
is by connecting to an LMS (or It automatically tries
to connect to a server when it boots but, but if the server is down it
can't get the time. Since what it thinks of as the time is garbage (some
random time) the software prevents the clock screensaver from getting
displayed so as not to completely confuse people. 

When the server comes back up the Touch does not necessarily connect to
it until you do some form of trying to play music, THEN it connects,
gets the current time and now it can display the clock. 

If there is no server when it boots up, and you don't start playing any
music, it will try and connect to the server every hour to try and get
the current time. But exactly when that "every hour" IS will depend on
what random time it has when it starts up. Thus if you boot the touch
with the server off, then turn on the server, but don't try and play any
music, you will get something from 1 second to 1 hour before the Touch
tries again to connect to the server, at which point it gets the time,
and now the clock will be displayed. 

I know it seems like it is some bizarre broken behavior, but it is all
quite logical when you think about it from the perspective of acquiring
a correct time. If it had a battery, none of this would happen.  

John S.

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