With regard to sound quality and if something does or does not make a
difference for me it is always simple. Can I hear it ? Can I hear it
consistently across a wide range of music ? Is it better or just
different ? If I can hear it and it is consistent and it is better and
not just different do I like it ? Having gone through all of that and
come to a positive conclusion then is it worth the money being asked for
it to gain the improvements I feel that I can hear ? If it is then buy
it , if not do not .
I would make no claims that anyone else will hear what I hear or come to
the same conclusion . That would be impossible we all hear completely
differently each of us cuts our own pathway through our brains to its
hearing receptors not two paths are identical. No two ears are identical
nor the interior shape, sensitivity ,size or effectiveness. Even then we
are all different and listen and gain different things from what we
We are not able to agree on the music we listen to with huge arguments
over who is good and who is not .Music at home through a music system is
an illusion pure and simple nothing more nothing less you are not in the
studio , concert hall , jazz club or other venue listening to real
people performing you are listening to a complex con trick that is there
to fool your senses and brain to imagine you are . Given this then there
is very little about this that is a constant everything about this is
personal . We should in this instance do what we are often told not to
and please ourselves if we like the music and the way it is produced
then that is right and correct for us and if you pay for the equipment
and the music then  smile and enjoy. Forget convincing others about what
you hear they may well not hear the same thing by all means tell people
abut what you hear and how things have improved for you then people can
go away an listen for themselves and may well agree with you just do not
be shocked if the do not.

System - Concordant Exhilirant Valve Pre , SBT Triode EDO,Toolbox 3.0 ,
Theta Data Basic II Transport , Perpetual Technology P-1a,P-3a,Anti Mode
2.0 Dual Core,Krell KSA50 MK 1 .
bencat's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=54878
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