tdgruen wrote: 
> So fast forward over 2 weeks since I last posted about buffering issues
> and signal dropouts, which I was reporting with a new NAD DAC, not
> currently on the compatibility list.  I now have a DAC that's listed on
> the Google doc, an iFi iDSD Nano.  The report says that it works
> "perfectly", yet I'm still dealing with buffering issues with 192 files.
> I get sporadic dropouts throughout 192 playback.
> Using LMS on a MacBook Pro wireless to SBT.  If I go straight from the
> Mac to the DAC, no problem with 192 at all.  As I stated in an earlier
> post, when going out from my SBT via coax to the NAD DAC, no problem at
> all, leading me to believe that the 192 files are getting to the SBT
> without any problem.  The SBT says my wireless network is strong, so I
> don't think it's that.  It's something about going out via USB on the
> SBT, now with 2 different 192+ capable DACs.  I've reinstalled EDO
> multiple times, tried every buffer setting on the SBT, to no avail.
> Wish I knew enough about this thing to know where to go next.  Anyone
> have any thoughts???

Did you just for kicks actually tried it with wired Ethernet or not ?
You can't just assume that wifi is fine .

Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
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