Jaca wrote: 
> Yeah all my players(apart or spare radio with battery) has been on 24/7
> most since around 2012.. That's beauty of having squeezeboxes always
> ready/on standby to play whenever you like. I cannot imagine powering on
> and waiting for it.. What about alarm clocks/scheduled music etc? 
> Or what about weather screensaver/clock on touch? [emoji23]
> Yeah make most out of it, don't think it consumes a lot of energy. I
> guess it's always lottery with failing gear, hopefully it will serve you
> a long time

Same here. Mine have been up 24/7 since I bought them. Actually my
"Touch" is my alarm clock. So it's on. Display set at "low" during the
night. The only one I've had a problem with was a Duet for which the
display has worn out and become very dim. But that's a problem with all

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