KeBul wrote: 
> I purchased my Touch in August 2010 and it's been part of my system
> since then.
> It's set to show the clock when not playing music and has been left
> plugged into the mains 24/7
> In September 2020 I noticed the remote control receiver of the Touch was
> starting to play up, often the first sign of a failing PSU, I replaced
> the PSU in October, the replacement I purchased cost £8.99
> So the original PSU lasted 10 years and its replacement was not very
> expensive.
> I can't think of any other electrical item in our house that has been
> continuously plugged in and has lasted as long... Doh! yes I can... My
> Squeezebox Boom, slightly longer in fact, been in service since 2009 and
> still going albeit with a screen thats got some faint lines across it.
> KevYeah it's amazing.. I also cannot understand how is it possible that
battery in my SB Radio has lasted almost 9years and still going strong..
6h + of playback.. Any other battery operated devices I had regardless
if constantly in use or not could not last half of that time..
I'm only sad you cannot buy those original battery packs anymore, and
doubt 3rd party ones will be as good

3x Squeezebox Touch, 4x Squeezebox Radio, Squeezelite (RPi 3B with
HiFiBerry DAC+Pro on OSMC), Material Skin Apk, Squeeze Commander,
Logitech Media Server Version: 8.2.0 with Material Skin (Docker in
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