Pedantics alone. Why on Earth would you suggest releasing it as free
software? It seems more and more than in this community, people are
avoiding *payment* more than wanting *freedom*. The two aren't the same
thing, and in the case of Windows, it's just not the philosophy they build

Important comparison: Capitalism vs. Socialism vs. Communism. Countries
like the US love to endlessly circlejerk over Capitalism being somehow
"right", and that every Communist country should be destroyed, every
Socialist converted somehow. That's insane, and there's absolutely zero
reason for everyone to be doing the same thing, following the same

Trisquel is free. GNU is free. Linux is Free. That's enough. Let's just
keep working on that, and getting free OPTIONS in other realms. No need to
force the non-free into freedom. Same thing as when the US decides it needs
to force "liberty" upon countries that never asked for it, and fall shortly
after we impose our ideals.

On Thu Feb 19 2015 at 1:29:48 PM <> wrote:

> "That's like suggesting
> Microsoft should open-source windows."
> Who wants to do that?
> Of course we would suggest releasing it as *free software*...

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