I completely endorse everything Tiberiu said here.

Many of these things are exactly what I wanted to write in my previous post in this thread. As I am not a native English speaker, it is difficult for me sometimes to find a way what I want to say. In this sense I thanks Tiberiu for having expressed everything so clearly, because it is exactly what I wanted to say about many things.

By the way I came here to edit my previous post, in order for being able to correct some grammatical errors. Yesterday I tried to solve some of them, but still I left many things that I found I have not expressed clearly. I had no more time yesterday so I left that for today. However now it seems it is not possible to edit it again.

Another thing that I wanted to say in my previous post was regarding the FSF certification. I now the main objective of that certification is just to certify that a product uses free software however I thing they should try also to have an eye on the quality of the products sold by the companies which are granted that certification. I mean, for me to link the name of an institution so reliable and with such a high degree of credibility as the FSF to a product is a very serious matter. I personally do not like to see the name of such an institution linked to a situation like the one we lived in our family. If other orders are like mine, I personally think the FSF should take in consideration the possibility of taking off the certification from Minifree as well as having a close look in the future on the quality of the products provided by the certified companies. As for Technoethical I really think the certification has been very well and deservedly granted.

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