> Bank transfer is a perfectly safe method of paying someone over the internet.

No, it's not safe. Bank transfers are not common to pay for goods over the Internet. To make a bank transfer, one really needs to trust the merchant. A customer can't file a chargeback with bank transfer. And the transfer fees can be very high for countries on other continents.

> This page explains why we use wire transfer only: https://minifree.org/paypal/

Well, a company can't offer payment via PayPal or other credit card processor, if unhappy customers file chargebacks (and the threshold usually is 1%). PayPal will lock new funds for months and other credit card processors will charge the company a big fee or a much bigger percent of the transaction.

> Per EU law I am *required* to provide full part/repair warranty for up to 2 years after purchase.

The EU regulation of minimum 2-year warranty applies to new hardware, not second-hand. For second-hand it's minimum 1 year. However, the company is free to offer by default a warranty covering any number of years. Technoethical also offers 2-year warranty for our laptops.

> Like Technoethical probably does, Minifree occasionally messes up with someones order.

Don't speculate about our activity at Technoethical. Each of our laptops is refurbished in-house with care and attention to detail, faulty components are replaced, it's checked and rechecked by at least two people, and used by a member for days as their laptop (we replace the HDD with ours while we use it). This is how we make sure that the laptop has no defects, not even hidden ones, that only surface when a person actually uses the laptop for a longer time.

> If Minifree was consistently as bad as you described, it would no longer be in business.

In their own words, people are grateful for your initial work and this is why most of them don't speak up or because you ask them not to, allegedly going public about Minifree's service quality would hurt the Libreboot project.


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