Two more things I forgot to mention:

8) Excercise is wonderful. Do you excercise enough? Most of us grew up in a culture that tries to separate the mind and the body. This is not so from my experience. The mind and body are one. Excercise will make you feel better: I guarantee it (money back and all). Do something you enjoy, otherwise you will not persevere. I like to play badminton, so I look forward to it. If you ask me to go to the gym and run on a treadmill or lift weights I will not be consistent (though it may be your calling).

9) Do you suffer from anxiety? Anxiety is many times coupled with depression and can be paralizing. There are many things you can do about this, including meditation. The best I have seen is a method called "The Linden Method." Check it out if you have anxiety. It can be downloaded through bittorrent without paying, which I would obviously not advise you to do as it is against the law and the guy has produced something of high quality and deserves support. You can send money to him once you get better and have a job. Grab a pot of chamomile tea while you're waiting for your download!

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