On Fri, 14 Jan 2005 10:55:39 EST [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
jt: Obedience is not "works" John and obedience is essential if you are to love God with all that you are.

"justified by faith apart from works of (the) law" is the text in question.  If "works of law" is not "obedience to law,"   what is it?
jt: We are no longer under the Mosaic Law the way it used to be; we are now under grace and we fulfil God's Law by our obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ.
your understanding of historical sinning, sins of the character of a person, sins of omission, and the practice of sin that rises to rebellion against God, 

jt: I don't know about "historical"  I think history is a big part of the problem here. God defines sin for us in His Word. It is "lawlessness"
or breaking God's Law. For the Jews the Torah; for New Covenant people the Royal Law which is love. Not in the carnal sense - agape.

"Historical sins" as viewed against other types of sin i was comparing (which has nothing to do with whatever you are talking about above) are things like smoking, cussing, drinking, murder  --  things that have a beginning and an ending  --  hence "historical"  as opposed to continual (such are the sins of character  -  pride, bigotry and the like).
jt: My belief is that "truth in the inward parts" along with a healthy fear of God takes care lf all of the above.

your doctrine of the Spirit in relationship to personal and claimed holiness, 

jt: What's wrong with being filled with and walking after the Spirit. Do you know a better way to walk the highway of holiness?  No
your notion of expressed fellowship for others within the Faith  (Romans 14)   ---------------    just so many issues. 
jt: I don't remember the problem with Romans 14 (meat offered to idols) but we don't have that problem in our meat markets today and I'm sure you don't consider yourself a baby believer - So what is your problem John?
No probs., Judy.   Just sitting here wondering what the value of Romans 14 is to those of us who live now?
jt: I'd say it's value is in exhorting more mature Christians not to stumble the young ones by what they allow but it is used for all kinds of other things. I've even heard the meat sacrificed to idols issue used to justify Christians celebrating Halloween.
It is amazing to me that you would exclude some when, in fact, your theology is as unusual as anything I have ever come across.
jt: What a sad, sad, statement when my heart is to obey God and walk in His Word and this is an offense to you?. 
Did I say anything about your heart?  Your intentions?  Not at all.  So, don't be sad, dear Judy.
jt: OK .. but John I don't exclude any, where does that come from?

No wonder you oppose orthodoxy.
jt: I'm not opposing anything other than the darkness and lies that keep ppl in bondage. Flesh and blood are not my enemy. 
I'm free  --  who isn't on this forum?
jt:  Are you really John?  I don't believe any of us are as free as we should be in Christ, if we were we would be turning the world upside down just like the first century Church.  2,000+ years later we are like the giant in Gulliver's travels so bound by the lies of the enemy that we are blind to our bonds, they have become part of us.

The fact that you are saved, anyway is a tribute to the failsafe plan of God for bring those whom He loves unto Himself.  John

jt: How do you know I am "saved" John?  Faith is the substance of things "hoped" for, the evidence of things not seen. 
By jove, you have my answer !!


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