True Christians are a the problem.  Faux "Christians" are. And Jews are
always a problem for them. iz

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kevin Deegan
Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 3:31 PM
Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] A Special Message from Rabbi Daniel Lapin: Purim
2006-Not All Authority is Bad

The Bible tells us that a insignificant piece of dirt inhabited by Jews
come from all over the world would be a problem to the whole world in
the last days.

It does not tell us of a land filled with Christians would be the

--- ShieldsFamily <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I've never known a Jew who hated Palestinians.  I do, sadly, know
> many
> "Christians" who hate Jews. iz
>   _____  
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Judy Taylor
> Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 6:28 AM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [TruthTalk] A Special Message from Rabbi Daniel Lapin:
> Purim
> 2006-Not All Authority is Bad
> Israel was created by agreements of the young United Nations.  Their
> new
> land was nothing like what it is today.   
> The land was covenanted by God to Abraham and his seed in an
> "everlasting"
> covenant; I'd say that lasts a long
> time - wouldn't you JD?
> And the hatred of Palestinians goes beyond that which is reasonable
> or even
> human, at times. 
> One has to wonder why even the other Arab nations don't want anything
> to do
> with the Palestinians; possibly
> because there is no such thing as a Palestinian; they are descendents
> of the
> Philistines who sailed over from
> Greece ...
> The surrounding Muslim/Arab world's determination to destroy Isreal
> without
> the possibility of compromise is disgustingly stupid to me   Where,
> at one
> time,  I had some regard for the Muslim religion  ,  today, I have
> none.   I
> think it is violent at its core,  a faith built upon a hatred for all
> who
> are not Muslim.  
> Yes, Golda Meir used to say that they would have peace in the middle
> east
> when the Muslims begin to love their
> children more than they hate the Jews.
> But I have little regard for Judaism, as well.   A very materialistic
> people,   fully antagonistic to the Living Christ in terms of matters
> of
> faith and practice.  
> I wouldn't be so quick to judge them JD; if we had the same kind of
> history
> as a nation we would probably (without supernatural help) be the
> same.  They
> have been run out of just about every country on the globe, with
> pogroms in
> Europe, Isabella shipped them out of Spain.  I did a paper on it once
> and
> was amazed; I found it quite apalling.   
> Biblically speaking,  Judaism reached full term in Jesus Christ.   It
> is not
> a sister religion.  Where some consider the Old Testament as the
> history of
> the Jewish people,   I really view it as the history of the Church.  
>  God's
> chosen are to be found within the body of Christ.  
> You are ungrateful JD - go back and read Romans again.  We received
> the
> oracles of God through the Jews and God has not forsaken them.  Not
> yet.  I
> personally believe their ability to prosper is crumbs of the
> blessings they
> once walked under.
> jd
> From: "ShieldsFamily" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Jd, there are not yet many Jews who know their Messiah, as you know. 
> Soon
> there will be.  What bewilders me is why you rarely miss a chance to
> take a
> shot at Jews, yet not the mormons or the RCC who are true apostates. 
> They
> claim to serve Jesus and yet are anti-Christs preaching a different
> Jesus
> and a different gospel.  The Jews at least are honest about their
> stance on
> Jesus.  I have a special place in my heart for Jews because my Savior
> is a
> Jew, because the Father says they are His chosen people, and because
> one day
> Jesus will again restore Israel into His kingdom.  Why doesn't that
> have any
> meaning for you? izzy
>   _____  
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
> Sent: Monday, March 20, 2006 4:23 PM
> To:;
> Subject: RE: [TruthTalk] A Special Message from Rabbi Daniel Lapin:
> Purim
> 2006-Not All Authority is Bad
> Here is what I said, Linda.:  "Do you know of any orthodox Jews who
> do not
> deny the Christ?  And why does that not have any meaning to you?    I
> will
> give my money to the needy, thank you very much.  "  There in not one
> hateful word in that comment  --  not one.  
> You can choose to continue to run your mouth or maybe, just maybe, 
> you can
> stop with your dedicated effort to make me look as bad as possible
> and
> actually answer the above question.   
> I am for US aid to Israel.   I am not for spending one penny from
> church
> coffers.  but go ahead and blast the RCC or those on this forum who
> are
> dedicated followers of Christ and kiss up to those who deny the Lord
> you
> claim to serve.  
> I expect such conduct from you.  
> jd
>   _____  
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