
I am extremely intrigued to know how you figured out from that message
exactly what you had to change in your application to come in

On Feb 16, 5:37 pm, Jim Fulford <j...@fulford.me> wrote:
> Well 5 days later, I finaly got a response from Twitter.  Posted
> below. I'm going to spend the few minutes required to make my app
> compliant and see if and when it gets turned back on.....
> to be continued.....''
> On Feb 16, 3:49 pm, PJB <pjbmancun...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ________________________________________
> truebe, Feb 16 10:52 am (PST):
> Hi,
> We apologize for the inconvenience, but on review of your application
> it appears that it breaks our Automation Rules and Best Practices
> (http://help.twitter.com/forums/10711/entries/76915). Specifically, it
> facilitates automated tools which allow users to spam and violate our
> user rules (http://help.twitter.com/forums/26257/entries/18311). It's
> best for both our users and your users if your application follows the
> rules, so please make the necessary changes to bring your application
> into compliance and we will reconsider your suspension.
> Let us know if you have any questions!
> Brian
> API Support

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