
I'm Scott Wilcox (@dordotky). I'm a freelance developer and currently run and 
maintain the http://tweekly.fm and http://laststat.us services. I developer 
mostly in PHP over the majority of my projects but plan to switch to either 
Ruby or Python this year. I'm also an iPhone developer and plan to release a 
few apps this year.

I use both the REST API and Streaming API regularly and agree with the comments 
on standardising the errors across the platform (the user_timeline as mention 
by Marc is a particular pet hate). 

I've also been doing some research in to awareless of embedded EXIF data in 
images that are posted to Twitter via services such as twitpic.com. I'll be 
publishing these finds towards the end of the month.

I sadly won't be attending Chirp due to it being too far to travel from England 
and not enough funds to do so :( Hopefully one of you will create a webcast for 
me to watch!


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