I second this too.

On Mar 1, 7:08 pm, Julien <julien.genest...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ola!
> I know this s some kind of recurring topic for this mailing list. I
> know all the heat around it, but I think that Twitter's new strategy
> concerning their firehose is a good occasion to push them to implement
> the PubSubHubbub protocol.
> Superfeedr makes RSS feeds realtime. We host hubs for several big
> publishers, including Tumblr, Posterous, HuffingtonPost, Gawker and
> several others.
> We want to make one for Twitter. Help us assessing the need and
> convince Twitter they need one (hosted by us or even them, if they'd
> rather go down that route) :
> http://bit.ly/hub4twitter
> Any comment/suggestion is more than welcome.

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