On 3/11/10 9:54 AM, Raffi Krikorian wrote:
>     HOLY CRAP!  Is that an API method that's equivalent to passing an array
>     of IDs to /users/show?
>     Is there a reason why it wasn't done "right"?
>     /users/show.xml?user_id=12863272&user_id=3191321&user_id=9160152&...
> i think "right" is in the eye of the beholder :P  i can stick that
> feature request into our queue (no guarantees, however).

Thanks.  Passing multiple values using the same key is the
well-established way of representing an array in a URL's query part.  It
would be nice if Twitter at least tried to adhere to standard practices,
where possible.

Still, anything is better than nothing, right?  Thanks for getting this
out there in one form or another.

Dossy Shiobara              | do...@panoptic.com | http://dossy.org/
Panoptic Computer Network   | http://panoptic.com/
  "He realized the fastest way to change is to laugh at your own
    folly -- then you can let go and quickly move on." (p. 70)

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