Everything looks normal to me, so I have no idea why it didn't work.

When it said Unauthorized, did the API say anything else about it?
Like incorrect signature, or something like that.

On Oct 1, 5:05 pm, eMailaya <a...@emailaya.com> wrote:
> * please read my comments inside the <>
> * i store the token and token secret and i checked and they are the
> same
> here is what i do step by step until it doesnt work. first i ask for
> authorization and get it with a PIN. then the user enters the PIN and
> gets the information.
> first i call for the user's statuses and this 
> works:http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/<user>.xml?oauth_consumer_key=<consumer
> key>&oauth_nonce=F89B4E724909C57D71193B24D075B88F&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-
> SHA1&oauth_signature=<oauth sig, changes every
> call>&oauth_timestamp=1285925817&oauth_token=<oauth token, same as in
> the next call, different than the other 2 calls>&oauth_version=1.0
> then i ask for the followees statuses and that is working 
> too:http://twitter.com/statuses/friends_timeline.xml?count=10&oauth_consu...<consumer
> key>&oauth_nonce=8C822206BE598A78CF97E942CB8A24E5&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-
> SHA1&oauth_signature=<oauth sig, changes every
> call>&oauth_timestamp=1285925833&oauth_token=<same as previous call,
> different than the next 2 calls>&oauth_version=1.0
> then i simply press the button again to make the same 2 calls once
> again, first i ask for the user statuses and this 
> works:http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/emailaya.xml?oauth_consumer...<consumer
> key>&oauth_nonce=F7414A51B2D59AF04E13D7D2A58821DA&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-
> SHA1&oauth_signature=<oauth sig, changes every
> call>&oauth_timestamp=1285925869&oauth_token=<oauth token, different
> than the ones from above, same as in the next call>&oauth_version=1.0
> then i ask for the followees statuses but this time, it doesnt work
> with the not authorized 
> error:http://twitter.com/statuses/friends_timeline.xml?count=10&oauth_consu...<consumer
> key>&oauth_nonce=3AC90E2A7C528953FC32A1B909D54B53&oauth_signature_method=HMAC-
> SHA1&oauth_signature=<oauth sig, changes every
> call>&oauth_timestamp=1285925897&oauth_token=<same as in the above
> call>&oauth_version=1.0
> what am i missing?
> the weird thing is that the user statuses do work but the right after
> that i call the followees statuses and that doesnt work, though just 2
> seconds ago, in the previous 2 calls, right after the authorization,
> it did work with no problem.
> to update a status, right after the authorization from the user, i
> call to this url:http://twitter.com/statuses/update.xmlbut again, i
> get unauthorized. i never succeeded to update a status for that
> reason. here there is no complex url that contains parameters
> what am i missing?
> On Oct 1, 7:09 am, Thai Pangsakulyanont <org.yi.dt...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > You have to make sure that `Twitterh.OAuth_token` and
> > `Twitterh.OAuth_token_secret` stays same before and after restarting
> > the application. Also, make sure that `oauth_timestamp` is up to date
> > and `oauth_nonce` is unique each time you make a request.
> > On Oct 1, 6:05 am, eMailaya <a...@emailaya.com> wrote:
> > > i could really use some help here
> > > thanks
> > > On Sep 29, 7:05 pm, eMailaya <a...@emailaya.com> wrote:
> > > > any kind of help here will be appreciated
> > > > thanks
> > > > On Sep 28, 8:06 pm, eMailaya <a...@emailaya.com> wrote:
> > > > > im doing the following:
> > > > >     Twitterh.Key := <consumer key - hard coded>
> > > > >     Twitterh.Secret := <consumer secret - hard coded>
> > > > >     Twitterh.OAuth_token :=
> > > > > SettingsFile.ReadString('TWITTER','TOKEN',''); //saved from when i got
> > > > > the authorization from the user
> > > > >     Twitterh.OAuth_token_secret :=
> > > > > SettingsFile.ReadString('TWITTER','TOKENSECRET',''); //saved from when
> > > > > i got the authorization from the user
> > > > > after getting the authorization from the user i can do both getting
> > > > > the statuses of the user and the followees but NOT updating the
> > > > > status.
> > > > > after "restart" of the application, at first try i do succeed to
> > > > > receive the user's statuses but not his followees' , on second try
> > > > > (without restart), i can do nothing and all for the same reason: not
> > > > > authorized
> > > > > not sure i understood the other reply of re-hashing, hashing of what
> > > > > exactly? the only place i do some "processing" is when i ask for
> > > > > authorization from the user. i want it so once i have it, to not need
> > > > > to re-ask it over and over again
> > > > > what am i missing?
> > > > > thanks
> > > > > On Sep 28, 10:52 am, Tom van der Woerdt <i...@tvdw.eu> wrote:
> > > > > > If you save those four keys, you should have everything you need to
> > > > > > restore the "session".
> > > > > > If this does not work for you, make sure that you save the keys
> > > > > > properly. For example, you don't want to confuse oauth_token with
> > > > > > oauth_consumer_key.
> > > > > > Tom
> > > > > > On 9/28/10 12:39 AM, eMailaya wrote:
> > > > > > > Im developing a desktop application. firstly, the user needs to
> > > > > > > approve my app to let it access his account, enter the PIN code 
> > > > > > > and
> > > > > > > retrieve his statuses and his followees' statuses, all is working
> > > > > > > fine.
> > > > > > > im closing my application and re-open it. now i already have his 
> > > > > > > PIN
> > > > > > > code so im skipping the authorization part. i put the oauth_key 
> > > > > > > and
> > > > > > > oauth_key_secret, the consumer_key and consumer_secret and ask 
> > > > > > > for his
> > > > > > > statuses, this one works but when i want to retrieve his followees
> > > > > > > statuses i get "unauthorized" error. trying again causing the
> > > > > > > "unauthorized" error also for his statuses. the only way to solve 
> > > > > > > this
> > > > > > > problem is to ask for an authorization everytime, this is 
> > > > > > > annoying.
> > > > > > > also, i cant update the status for the same reason/error
> > > > > > > any idea what am i missing?
> > > > > > > thanks

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