Hello Angus,

Still  not working but I found something, if I do a .SendTo inside the
OnDataAvailable  after  the .ReceiveFrom, it works, no bind error, but
in  my  program  I have to pass the received data to some worker queue
that take some seconds to produce the answer and then when it tries to
.SendTo    it    produce    the   error.   I   tried   to   save   the
SrcSocket(sockaddr_in)  from the .ReceiveFrom to reuse it with .SendTo
but  without  success, still bond error. May be I need to do something
more if I .SendTo outside OnDataAvailable ?


>> And he used TWSocketServer
>> and since then I always used the same way too.

ARMSL> No idea how that worked, maybe the client was using a different port to
ARMSL> reply.  

>> TMySocketServer

ARMSL> If you have been making use of the TSocketServer client to save
ARMSL> application data for the reply, you'll need a rethink.  Perhaps a FIFO
ARMSL> queue, I think there's a TList descendent that does that in modern Delphi
ARMSL> versions.  With UDP there's always a risk of lost packets, if your
ARMSL> transmit conflicts with a new received packet, or at least that's my
ARMSL> minimal understanding of UDP. 

ARMSL> Angus

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