Maurizio Lotauro wrote:
>> Hello:
>>     Seems to be a server issue.  Even if the server
>> requires authentication, the response should not be
>> sent until the entire request is received.  This
>> behaviour is very strange indeed.  Are you sure that
>> the response is sent before the XML file is sent
>> completely (i.e. the request is completed)?
> Yes. Using "Follow TCP Stream" of WireShark I see the answer in the
> middle of the request. Then I checked the single packet (ordered by
> time) and it is effectively so.
> This happen by a customer that use IIS, then I reproduced it on our
> server (that use Apache).
> Maybe a Tomcat issue?

I may be wrong, however I think I recall that the THTTPCli sent entire
POST-data even though authentication was what the server expected. 
That sounds, at least, not very efficient and the server might treat this 
as an DOS-attempt. I'm no expert in HTTP and the THttpCli, so this behaviour
of THttpCli might be completely correct. 

Arno Garrels
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