So the SNTP component is already testing with ICS for IPv6?
And with Delphi for Mac and Linux?

I'm afraid I hadn't got your point. Especially concerning "Delphi for Mac and Linux". There is still neither Delphi nor ICS for Mac/Linux (and porting ICS may be a greatly complicated task).

Actually, there is an ICS version for Linux :-) It is quite old now but still available for download. It requires Kylix to be compiled for Linux. Since MAC operating system is actually a kind of Unix, ICS for Kylix is likely to work without much changes when Embarcadero will publish his new version.

IP6 isn't tested as wel as multicast because I haven't this technologies and servers nearby.

Any Vista or Windows 7 has IPv6 installed. You don't need special hardware.

The author of the freeware multi-tier middleware MidWare
The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite (ICS)

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