Thanks for the feedback, Brenda.

It was not a question of deciding if to go or not - we have booked and paid, and now are trying to decide which sessions to go to, they are concurrent so some must be missed.

As a 25-year Pick person, I thought this list would be the best place to find other long-term Pick people who would look at things in a similar way. Eg, there is a session about file tuning - would I be bored? Similarly about testing - we have been doing that for a long time, and unless there is something quite astounding, probably another session should be chosen.

Going to the Sydney one means we have the advantage of being able to ask those who have gone before!

Cheers, Kate

----- Original Message ----- From: "Brenda Price" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2007 2:17 AM
Subject: RE: [U2] U2 University feedback requested


In my first post, I said I thought it was great.  I am looking forward
to all the new tools that IBM is working on getting to us.  I love the
graphic editor that compiles on its own with its templates you can use
and add to.  To those who have used the UniDebugger, the new tools is
similar but better.

I didn't want to give much a way as I think people who can attend
should, plus there was so much information you get a little overload and
don't remember everything.

I am a little disappointed in the flash drive with the event documents.
I was not able to attend the UniAdmin class due to the fact I was taking
the certification testing at that time.  Side note:  Yea, I got over my
fear of tests (unreasonable I know but we all have our little quirks)
and am now a certified UniBasic programmer and a certified UniVerse

Any way, the UniAdmin class pdf does not show any of the new tool coming
our way. I would have liked more info in the pdfs.

Brenda Price
Affiliated Acceptance Corporation
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