Exactly.  Integrate existing apps into U2, not the other way around and with
everyone 'rolling their own'

As a programmer I don't need to know all the steps to initiate the physical
positioning of the head of the disk prior to sending a destructive EM pulse
to set all bits to zero and monitor which ones changed so I know what was
there so I can write it back.  We call that READ now and it's the SAME for
everyone, but it used to be a specialty just to read from a disk.

Likewise I just need an interface to put stuff on a web screen and get it
back and that's easiest for PICK-see's like us if it's PICK like commands.

I once dreamed of owning a house.  There were a lot of obstacles.

It's mine now - paid in full.  It was A LOT of work.

But it started with a dream.

I CAN dream, can't I?


-----Original Message-----
From: u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org
[mailto:u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org] On Behalf Of Kevin King
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2011 11:08 AM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] Saying Goodbye...

Allen, I believe it's possible but for one significant stumbling block:
threads.  And given that we're not likely to get native thread support in
U2, I think closely integrating U2 into something like Apache (which does
support threading) could be a Very Good Thing.
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