hey everyone,
       does anyone happen to know what user the uniobjects connection is 
running as?  I would think root, but that doesn't seem to be correct as when I 
run a subversion command as root it works fine but when I run it from a 
uniobjects connection (via c# calling a pick subroutine) I get prompted to 
accept a self signed certificate (yeah yeah I know......)  anyway I accepted it 
from the command line (so I don't get prompted anymore) as a specific user and 
as root (this is all proof of concept test, so if it pans out I will get a 
valid certificate).

I am going to modify the pick subroutine to try and "figure out" what user is 
calling the pick subroutine as well as modify my shell script with expect so 
that it {A}ccepts the certificate but I thought I would ask the "guru's"  on 
here (you know who you are!) in case expect gives me fits ........



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