Dawn, just to add my 0.02, I have a couple of production CentOS servers but run 
UV on RHEL.  UV is the most mission-critical app we have and I feel it would be 
too much of a risk to run it on an unsupported platform.  And I would take 
Tony's point that Linux has the exact same update headaches as Windows one step 
further and say that it's worse.  I choose to run UV on RHEL because I rely 
heavily on custom UV integration with system utilities like cron and 
open-source apps like postfix, cURL and wget.  Installing all available updates 
a la Windows on the RHEL UV box is something I'd never do, though, because the 
risk of breaking something is too high.  To give an example, I installed all 
the latest updates on the less mission-critical of our CentOS servers a while 
back and it broke the freeRADIUS service we use to authenticate wifi clients 
via Active Directory.  Fortunately the other CentOS server is a backup 
freeRADIUS server, but it was still time consuming to fix.  When RH or CentOS 
updates an app, any config files replaced are backed up in the current location 
with an extension of ".rpmnew".  When freeRADIUS starts up it reads every 
config file in its directory regardless of name, so this totally borked the 
installation.  Fixing it was a matter of opening both the old and new versions 
of all 7 replaced config files in a GUI text editor with diff capability and 
painstakingly merging the original config into the new files.  I probably spent 
a couple of hours on it, and that was just one application.  UV is in use 24x7 
and an outage like that on our UV server would be catastrophic.

Having said that, I think a case could be made for running UV on CentOS if the 
initial installation runs stably and you don't plan to patch it.  I would 
thoroughly test every aspect of UV, but once you're certain it's stable, you 
aren't likely to need support if you don't break anything going forward.  Lack 
of patches sounds like a security risk on the face of it, but good security 
isn't a black and white issue.  If no unnecessary services are listening on the 
box, no end users have direct access to the OS shell, and the box isn't 
directly open to the internet, it's pretty secure IMHO.  RH may issue a ton of 
"critical" security updates for various services, but if you're not running 
those services, or if a user needs OS shell access they don't have to execute a 
privilege escalation, those updates are irrelevant.  There are lots of add'l 
security measures that you can take to further protect the server, such as 
installing the free OSSEC intrusion detection utility from Trend Micro and 
running ssh on a non-default port.  As Dan said, the question of whether or not 
to run UV on an unsupported platform really depends on the risk tolerance of 
the client where it's installed and how they're using it.  It's not appropriate 
for our environment, but if someone else decides the cost savings outweigh the 
risks for them after carefully considering both, I wouldn't necessarily tell 
them it's a bad idea.


-----Original Message-----
From: u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org 
[mailto:u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org] On Behalf Of Daniel McGrath
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 11:00 AM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] CentOS with Universe?

In Dawn's case, I agree with Tony. At larger scales though, support from RHEL 
isn't just bug fixes that CentOS gets eventually, but is also system 
configuration assistance for issues, particularly around performance. If you 
are not running a production server yourself, but are using it for development 
or support, then it is probably less of an issue.

If you are running your core business on it 24/7, it's a different story.

Dan McGrath
Managing Director, U2 Servers Lab
Rocket Software
4600 South Ulster Street  ·  Suite 1100  ·   Denver, CO 80237 ·  USA
T: +1 720 475 8098 · E: dmcgr...@rocketsoftware.com · W: u2.rocketsoftware.com

-----Original Message-----
From: u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org 
[mailto:u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org] On Behalf Of Tony Gravagno
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 11:38 AM
To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
Subject: Re: [U2] CentOS with Universe?

> From: Dawn Wolthuis
> We have a VAR who would prefer to load Universe and their application 
> on a supported platform, but we would prefer not to pay for RHEL 6. I 
> searched the list and found a few tidbits, but does
> have a good list of what changes might be required to successfully
> Universe 11.1 on CentOS? How much pain would we be introducing for 
> ourselves and our VAR, if they were willing to play along?

Dawn, you have accurate responses from everyone:
1) Should be exactly the same.
2) Might not be.
3) There is risk involved.

Personally I run CentOS whenever I need Linux. But it does have its own errors 
from time to time, and sometimes it takes a while to get them fixed - just 
visit the CentOS forum and see what people are talking about. That's the gamble 
we take for freeware. (It's only "free" if your time is worthless.)

How much does RHEL Support help? Well, many systems I know never even update 
their RHEL systems. They install and then don't want to patch because it might 
mess up dependencies, forcing a reinstall. And RedHat does the same themselves 
to an extent - they guarantee that their distro isn't volatile like Fedora - in 
part because they don't provide many updates to common FOSS after production. 
As an example, you need an update to something like cURL (v7.19 from the 
"current" RHEL6 yum update but v7.31 in real world) you'll have to get it from 
somewhere other than RedHat, and that could break a lot of stuff. And because 
they bashed Windows for so many years about this (DLL HELL) before drinking the 
Linux Kool-Aid, these folks are afraid to say Linux has exactly the same 
problems, or afraid to admit they don't update their system, or maybe they just 
don't know that their packages are a couple years old and unpatched. (No need 
for people to jump in to reassure us that you update your personal system(s) - 
trading anecdotes doesn't change the fact that other people do things 

But the real point here ... is that once U2 is working, and it "should" out of 
the box, then it "shouldn't" break, as long as you don't change anything. It's 
been around since 2010 and CentOS is right there with it now. The only time you 
could have issues is when U2 is certified over a new RH release and CentOS 
hasn't caught up to them yet. The cost for not being with a current RHEL 
release is that you won't be able to install a brand new OS/DBMS combo with 
confidence, you'll just have to wait a while for the dust to settle. Now, what 
if you do get that brand new release of RH/UV and it breaks. You need to wait 
for Rocket to work with RH anyway. So if you're going to wait there anyway, why 
not just wait a little longer and get it all free?

You asked "how much pain would we be introducing" ... all we can tell is how 
much pain you "could" or "might", not "would". The odds are in your favor - 
chances are very slim that there will be an issue in RHEL that affects U2, that 
it will get fixed by RH but not passed on in CentOS. There's just a time delay 
- you'd be paying RedHat to get changes to you faster, that's all, but you'll 
eventually get the same changes from CentOS.


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