Title: RE: looking for faster Ideas...

True putting the first check in the case, then checking the 2nd and 3rd...
   in the body of the case at first sounds good...but if it fails on the
   2nd or 3rd check in the body of the case, it will no longer check any
   other cases, since it had a positive case found, so I have to have
   all all checks on the case line (does that make any sense?)

As for the 2k blocks. If all this program did was weed out names, you
   are right, that would be a better way to go. However, it also does
   other things to each line (like put in our own unique mailing code
   for nixie-returns) for all those that aren't supposed to get kicked out.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: Tony Wood [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2004 5:28 PM
>To: U2 Users Discussion List
>Subject: Re: looking for faster Ideas...
>Hi George,
>We some processing through files of 5-4Mb in D3 and UniVerse.
>We found one
>of the quicker to process these files was to read about 2k of data at a
>time. You would need to identify the last complete line work
>with everything
>before that keeping the last bit for then next processing chunk.
>As far as finding matches you have one, two or three pieces of
>data to match
>on.So start with one if you score a match then look further. This will
>reduce your processing to quickly find anything that might
>match rather than
>having to match on everything for every line. Processing in 2k
>chunks also
>means you can index for "SMITH" and find none quickly rather
>than processing
>each line looking for "SMITH" + "3333" and "SMITH" + "MENERE ST".
>I would avoid using index on a line by line basis. I would
>also look at what
>information you usually get and consider using a record where
>the item id is
>the key search string. Where you have more than one out-opter
>you can then
>use either multi-values or attributes to contain the other
>search criteria.
>Sounds a little complicated but it breaks the job into smaller
>chunks to be
>resolved and will require less processing in the long run I believe.
>Good luck
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "George Gallen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>To: "'Ardent List'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Wednesday, January 28, 2004 5:33 AM
>Subject: looking for faster Ideas...
>> I can't setup any indexs to speed this up. Basically I'm
>scanning a CSV
>> for names to remove
>>    and set the flag of KICK=1 to remove it (creating a new
>CSV file at the
>> same time).
>> Keep in mind the ".." are people's last names, or zip codes,
>or part of
>> their address, changed
>> them to ".." to protect the unwanting...
>> Right now, I do a series of CASE's ...
>> Now, it's not a major problem as I'm only checking for 20 or
>so names, but
>> as more and more people
>>   request to be removed (and we don't have access to the
>creation of the
>> list). this could get quite
>>   slow over 50 or 60 thousand lines of checking.
>> LIN is one line of the CSV file, the INDEX is checking for a
>last name & a
>> zip code and sometimes
>>    part of the address line.
>> Any Ideas?
>> Remember, we can't change the source of the file, it will
>always be a CSV,
>> being read line by line
>>    KICK=0
>>       CASE -1
>>          KICK=1
>>             CASE INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0 AND INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0 AND
>> INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0
>>     CASE INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0 AND INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0
>>     CASE INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0 AND INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0
>>     CASE INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0 AND INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0
>>     CASE INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0 AND INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0
>>     CASE INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0 AND INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0
>>     CASE INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0 AND INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0
>>     CASE INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0 AND INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0
>>     CASE INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0 AND INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0
>>     CASE INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0 AND INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0
>>     CASE INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0 AND INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0
>>     CASE INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0 AND INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0 AND
>> INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0
>>     CASE INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0 AND INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0
>>     CASE INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0 AND INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0
>>     CASE INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0 AND INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0
>>     CASE INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0 AND INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0
>>     CASE INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0 AND INDEX(LIN,"..",1)#0
>>     CASE -1
>>        KICK=0
>>    END CASE
>> George Gallen
>> Senior Programmer/Analyst
>> Accounting/Data Division
>> ph:856.848.1000 Ext 220
>> SLACK Incorporated - An innovative information, education
>and management
>> company
>> http://www.slackinc.com
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