On Mon, May 16, 2011 at 9:33 PM, Hartmut Noack <zettber...@linuxuse.de>wrote:

> Am 16.05.2011 08:43, schrieb aYo Binitie:
>  Hi Scott,
>> Your opinions are noted and they are valid. I never claimed that XFCE was
>> no
>> good - just that I had never used it and there were probably good reasons
>> why it was second best to Gnome2.
> I assure you and everyone who has reservations towards XFCE: it is quite
> the same as Gnome2 and can be configured to mimic it near to 99%. It even
> offers some features, Gnome has dropped like switching Desktops with the
> mouse wheel on any place on the desktop and some more options for
> configuration.
> I use Gnome in Ubuntu and XFCE on Fedora on a dayly basis and I hardly
> notice the differnces (there are some inconveniences in Gnome, I can feel
> 1-2 times per day...)
> Plus: Gnome2, XFCE, KDE have more or less the same basic features that are
> the ones the user is confronted frequently. All these full-featured desktops
> can be configured to mimic each other in a way that no user without a lot of
> experience will notice the differences.
> All of them can have a hierarchical menu in the upper left corner, desktop
> icons, panels, a pager and a tray. And they suppport each others
> panel-applets or have similar applets as their siblings.
> I really think, that nobody, who has used Gnome2 the way a typical normal
> user uses a desktop will be apalled by XFCE.
> best regs
>  Having said that considering the fact that
>> going forward there is a need for a new desktop to be adopted - I acquiese
>> to the fact that you - the UbuntuStudio team have done your due-diligence
>> and have found this the sensible and viable option. I will take you up on
>> your suggestion and try Xubuntu to see for myself the possibilities
>> therein.
>> I have converted the entire Flash development (and IT ) team in my Agency
>> to
>> the Ubuntuside thus my interest in this is tremendous.
>> aYo
>> On Sun, May 15, 2011 at 5:14 PM, Scott Lavender<scottalaven...@gmail.com
>> >wrote:
>>  I apologize for singling out this post, but...
>>> On Sun, May 15, 2011 at 3:37 AM, aYo Binitie<ayobini...@gmail.com>
>>>  wrote:
>>>  XFCE - I have no idea about but it was super we would not be all having
>>>> these rants.
>>>>  aYo
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>>>>  I think this is a very, very poor argument.  But iyou are not alone
>>> however.
>>> I haven't read any rants in this thread (well, maybe one) but I have seen
>>> a
>>> lot of ignorant whinging.
>>> There has been a vocal minority that asked, "Why change from GNOME 2?" or
>>> some other variant of that statement.  But it appears that these people
>>> neither understand why we made a decision nor have any understanding of
>>> XFCE
>>> and how similar it is to GNOME 2.
>>> So, the "rants" are ignorant protestations about change.  This has no
>>> reflection on XFCE.
>>> I challenge you (not just you aYo, but everyone) who thinks XFCE isn't
>>> "super" or good or isn't GNOME 2 to actually try it.  Try it for a week.
>>>  A
>>> day, even.
>>> If someone can use XFCE and then provide a good fact based argument for
>>> not
>>> using XFCE *OR* can provide a viable alternative we would very much like
>>> to
>>> hear them.  I mean that sincerely.
>>> What I don't like, appreciate, or find useful is ignorant whinging
>>> without
>>> providing any reasons, facts, or alternatives.
>>> ScottL
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Now, why is this a good thing? All this talk about switching DE for
stability on the one hand but it's really about reverting to old stuff,
isn't it?, and how long can the community keep this up?, tested out Gnome 3
last night a bit and I found it rather nice, I really can't see what all the
fuss is about. I've always thought about linux as among the leading in
osdevelopment, and especially US(the switch to an rt-kernel made a huge
difference in performance on my stationary) and I think the community should
embrace the future instead of trying to maintain things that probably has
been dropped for a reason.

Also, as someone said earlier, if it hasn't been done it may not be a bad
thing talking a bit about to whom US is supposed to be for either, I have
nothing to back this up but in my own experience, and I don't think I'm the
only one to see this, I think Ubuntu is getting more OSX like and maybe that
should be embraced as well. Many artists/producers DO use mac's and wouldn't
this open up for a larger group of potential users?
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