Hey Ted,

Thanks for all of the help. I found the interactive interface really
helpful and had been able to create inputs similar to what you shared. I
have an open help ticket now on trying to get the file to download. He gave
me some commands to try that I had already tried, so there must be
something else to unzipping the code...

Thanks again. Hopefully I'm close to a solution!

On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 11:21 AM, Ted Pedersen duluth...@gmail.com
[umls-similarity] <umls-similarity@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> Hi Jen,
> Nothing to be embarrassed about at all!. If you haven't already used
> MetaMap interactively you might want to try that before you attempt a local
> install :
> https://ii.nlm.nih.gov/Interactive/UTS_Required/metamap.shtml
> (You would need to be logged into UTS for the link to work I think...)
> Anyway, once at that site on the right side there are some links for using
> MetaMap interactively. Below is an example of what that looks like (where
> the first line is my input and the rest is the output). I turned on the
> option to show CUIs, since I think that is your desire output...
> About the bz2 file, I think you'd need to uncompress that with bunzip2,
> although I have not done a local install for a while so I am not 100
> percent sure if that is the issue or not. But, I've cc'd the MetaMap help
> line on this note, they are usually very good about following up on issues
> like this.
> I hope this helps!
> Ted
> Processing 00000000.tx.1: I have a really bad headache, and my joints ache.
> Phrase: I
> >>>>> Phrase
> i
> <<<<< Phrase
> >>>>> Mappings
> Meta Mapping (1000):
>   1000   C0021966:I- (Iodides) [Inorganic Chemical]
> Meta Mapping (1000):
>   1000   C0221138:I NOS (Blood group antibody I) [Amino Acid, Peptide, or 
> Protein,Immunologic Factor]
> <<<<< Mappings
> Phrase: have
> >>>>> Phrase
> <<<<< Phrase
> Phrase: a really bad headache,
> >>>>> Phrase
> really bad headache
> <<<<< Phrase
> >>>>> Mappings
> Meta Mapping (790):
>    660   C0205169:Bad [Qualitative Concept]
>    827   C0018681:HEADACHE (Headache) [Sign or Symptom]
> <<<<< Mappings
> Phrase: and
> >>>>> Phrase
> <<<<< Phrase
> Phrase: my joints
> >>>>> Phrase
> joints
> <<<<< Phrase
> >>>>> Mappings
> Meta Mapping (1000):
>   1000   C0022417:Joints [Body Space or Junction]
> Meta Mapping (1000):
>   1000   C0392905:Joints (Articular system) [Body System]
> <<<<< Mappings
> Phrase: ache.
> >>>>> Phrase
> ache
> <<<<< Phrase
> >>>>> Mappings
> Meta Mapping (1000):
>   1000   C0234238:ACHE (Ache) [Sign or Symptom]
> <<<<< Mappings
> On Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 12:25 PM, Jennifer Wilson jen.wilson...@gmail.com
> [umls-similarity] <umls-similarity@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
>> Hey Ted,
>> I'm (embarrassingly) having some trouble navigating the NLM site. I think
>> I have an account and am trying to download some of the MetaMap software (I
>> think that the "Lite" version is sufficient). But when I download the bz2
>> file, it won't open because I think I need to authenticate it. Do you know
>> how I'm supposed to access this software? Sorry if this is out of your
>> realm, I can try someone else at NLM. This has just been a lot more
>> difficult and confusing than I thought it should be! Thanks,
>> On Fri, Jun 2, 2017 at 7:07 PM, Ted Pedersen duluth...@gmail.com
>> [umls-similarity] <umls-similarity@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Jennifer,
>>> Mapping terms to CUIs is it's own problem, and there are a few nice
>>> tools already available that might be of some use. We've used MetaMap to
>>> good effect for this problem, so you might  want to consider looking there.
>>> https://metamap.nlm.nih.gov/
>>> I'd be curious if other users have recommendations as well..
>>> Good luck,
>>> Ted
>>> On Fri, Jun 2, 2017 at 7:56 PM, Jennifer Wilson jen.wilson...@gmail.com
>>> [umls-similarity] <umls-similarity@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi Ted,
>>>> Thank you again for all of this. I'm sorry I had to put down this
>>>> project for a few days and am only now getting back to it.
>>>> I see that ontologies change and reproducing that result might not be
>>>> the best sanity check on the scripts that I wrote.
>>>> I'm going to try and figure out how to map to CUI terms and I'll be in
>>>> touch if I get stuck again. Thanks,
>>>> On Sun, May 28, 2017 at 10:59 AM, Ted Pedersen duluth...@gmail.com
>>>> [umls-similarity] <umls-similarity@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
>>>>> This is perhaps a bit more than you were looking for, but there are
>>>>> quite a few command line tools available with UMLS::Similarity when you
>>>>> install locally that can be helpful for digging into situations like this.
>>>>> When I look for the path from each of these CUIs to the ROOT (of MSH) I
>>>>> find that one of them does not have a path to the root, while the other
>>>>> does (see command output below)
>>>>> The lack of a path to  the root is going to cause a lot of measures to
>>>>> report a -1 value (since path, for example, relies on finding this path as
>>>>> a part of its computation). In fact, not having a path to the root makes 
>>>>> me
>>>>> question if C0156543 is in MSH at all, so it might even be that the CUI is
>>>>> no longer a part of MSH (and not just lacking a path to the root). But,
>>>>> regardless, clearly something has changed since 2009 that is causing this
>>>>> measure to return a different value. This happens in some cases since UMLS
>>>>> continues to evolve and CUIs are added, removed, etc. It's important to
>>>>> know what version of the UMLS a previous study has used if you are
>>>>> interested in getting a very exact comparison. In the case of our AMIA 
>>>>> 2009
>>>>> paper we used 2008AB, so things have no doubt changed a bit since then.
>>>>> tpederse@maraca:~$ findPathToRoot.pl C0156543
>>>>> UMLS-Interface Configuration Information:
>>>>> (Default Information - no config file)
>>>>>   Sources (SAB):
>>>>>      MSH
>>>>>   Relations (REL):
>>>>>      PAR
>>>>>      CHD
>>>>>   Sources (SABDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>>   Relations (RELDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>> There are no paths from the given C0156543 to the root.
>>>>> tpederse@maraca:~$ findPathToRoot.pl C0000786
>>>>> UMLS-Interface Configuration Information:
>>>>> (Default Information - no config file)
>>>>>   Sources (SAB):
>>>>>      MSH
>>>>>   Relations (REL):
>>>>>      PAR
>>>>>      CHD
>>>>>   Sources (SABDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>>   Relations (RELDEF):
>>>>>      UMLS_ALL
>>>>> The paths between abortions, spontaneous (C0000786) and the root:
>>>>>   => C0000000 (**UMLS ROOT**) C1135584 (mesh headings) C1256739 (mesh
>>>>> descriptors) C1256741 (topical descriptor) C0012674 (diseases (mesh
>>>>> category)) C1720765 (female urogenital dis pregnancy compl) C0032962 
>>>>> (compl
>>>>> pregn) C0000786 (abortions, spontaneous)
>>>>> On Sun, May 28, 2017 at 12:43 PM, Ted Pedersen <duluth...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Jennifer,
>>>>>> Thanks for sharing this question. I think in general if you have a
>>>>>> choice between using CUIs or terms with UMLS::Similarity, your best 
>>>>>> option
>>>>>> is to use the CUIs. Terms can map to multiple CUIs, and UMLS::Similarity
>>>>>> might pick a CUI associated with a sense of the term you aren't 
>>>>>> intending.
>>>>>> Also, if you misspell a term or don't specify it exactly correctly, then 
>>>>>> it
>>>>>> shows up as not found. One useful resource for replicating similarity
>>>>>> measure studies (like the one you cite) is the following page which
>>>>>> includes term mappings for several of the datasets we've worked with over
>>>>>> the years.
>>>>>> http://www-users.cs.umn.edu/~bthomson/corpus/corpus.html
>>>>>> I will admit to being a little puzzled about the case of abortion -
>>>>>> miscarriage. The paper you cite clearly reports a value based on MSH, but
>>>>>> as I try to run that query now I get a value of -1 (even when using the
>>>>>> CUIs). However, it appears that each of the CUIs is found in MSH, but 
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> somehow we are not able to compute some of the measures (a path length, 
>>>>>> for
>>>>>> example). This suggests that there is not a path between the two CUIs,
>>>>>> which has something to do with the structure of UMLS/MSH.
>>>>>> One quick and dirty way to see if a CUI is in MSH is to find the path
>>>>>> length between a CUI and itself. If it is present in MSH, that value will
>>>>>> be 1. We see that for each of the CUIs used for abortion and miscarriage.
>>>>>> tpederse@maraca:~$ perl query-umls-similarity-webinterface.pl
>>>>>> --measure path --sab MSH C0156543 C0156543
>>>>>> Default Settings:
>>>>>>   --default http://atlas.ahc.umn.edu/
>>>>>>   --rel PAR/CHD
>>>>>> User Settings:
>>>>>>   --measure path
>>>>>> 1<>Unspecified abortion NOS(C0156543)<>Unspecified abortion
>>>>>> NOS(C0156543)
>>>>>> tpederse@maraca:~$ perl query-umls-similarity-webinterface.pl
>>>>>> --measure path --sab MSH C0000786 C0000786
>>>>>> Default Settings:
>>>>>>   --default http://atlas.ahc.umn.edu/
>>>>>>   --rel PAR/CHD
>>>>>> User Settings:
>>>>>>   --measure path
>>>>>> 1<>Abortions.spontaneous(C0000786)<>Abortions.spontaneous(C0000786)
>>>>>> However, when I try to find the path length between the two CUIs, I
>>>>>> get -1. This suggests that the CUIs are not jointed by PAR/CHD
>>>>>> relations...note that below you can see that the terms for the CUIs have
>>>>>> been looked up, which shows us that MSH knows about them...
>>>>>> tpederse@maraca:~$ perl query-umls-similarity-webinterface.pl
>>>>>> --measure path --sab MSH C0156543 C0000786
>>>>>> Default Settings:
>>>>>>   --default http://atlas.ahc.umn.edu/
>>>>>>   --rel PAR/CHD
>>>>>> User Settings:
>>>>>>   --measure path
>>>>>> -1<>Unspecified abortion NOS(C0156543)<>Abortions.spont
>>>>>> aneous(C0000786)
>>>>>> So, in any case, it would appear that something has changed in the
>>>>>> structure of MSH since we reported our results in the 2009 AMIA paper you
>>>>>> mention. I'm not sure what that is. But, I think the general message is
>>>>>> that if you can use CUIs it will normally be more reliable to do that.
>>>>>> Mapping terms to CUIs is of course it's own problem, but UMLS::Similarity
>>>>>> doesn't do anything terribly fancy with that, and so probably whatever 
>>>>>> you
>>>>>> do will be more extensive and reliable than what UMLS::Similarity would
>>>>>> do...
>>>>>> I hope this helps somehow, and please do feel free to follow up.
>>>>>> Thoughts from other users on this issue would also be most welcome!
>>>>>> Cordially,
>>>>>> Ted
>>>>>> On Sat, May 27, 2017 at 12:18 PM, Jennifer Wilson
>>>>>> jen.wilson...@gmail.com [umls-similarity] <
>>>>>> umls-similarity@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>>> I'm resending this now that I'm subscribed. Any advice would be much
>>>>>>> appreciated! Thank you,
>>>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>>>> From: Jennifer Wilson <jen.wilson...@gmail.com>
>>>>>>> Date: Tue, May 23, 2017 at 6:13 PM
>>>>>>> Subject: Help with the best approach for using the query-UMLS
>>>>>>> interface
>>>>>>> To: umls-similarity@yahoogroups.com
>>>>>>> Hello UMLS similarity team,
>>>>>>> I am trying to compute the similarity between ~30K disease/phenotype
>>>>>>> terms. Ideally, I would have a matrix of similarity for these terms.
>>>>>>> My first attempt was to write a python script to call the
>>>>>>> query-umls-similarity-webinterface.pl script. Though, before
>>>>>>> releasing the script on my dataset, I was trying to recreate the scores
>>>>>>> from this paper (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
>>>>>>> pmc/articles/PMC2815481/) in table 1.
>>>>>>> Here's the command I am using:
>>>>>>> ./query-umls-similarity-webinterface.pl --sab MSH --rel PAR/CHD
>>>>>>> "Abortion" "Miscarriage"
>>>>>>> Default Settings:
>>>>>>>   --default http://atlas.ahc.umn.edu/
>>>>>>>   --measure path
>>>>>>> User Settings:
>>>>>>>   --rel PAR/CHD
>>>>>>> (-1.0, 'Abortion', 'Miscarriage')
>>>>>>> I also have not processed the text in my dataset much. I have
>>>>>>> basically pulled diseases and phenotypes from DisGeNet, OMIN, PheWas, 
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>> the GWAS catalogue. If I'm using data from all of these sources - do you
>>>>>>> recommend sending them directly to the query interface? Should I try and
>>>>>>> map to CUI terms? (examples below)
>>>>>>> Before I download the database and attempt to query the database
>>>>>>> (it's not a language that I use in my current work), I just wanted an
>>>>>>> outside perspective to see if there are best practices for using this 
>>>>>>> data.
>>>>>>> Thank you in advance for your time!
>>>>>>> (examples)
>>>>>>> Here are two more examples showing the disease descriptions in my
>>>>>>> dataset. Is the UMLS interface robust to these various formats or do 
>>>>>>> they
>>>>>>> need to be an exact match?
>>>>>>> ./query-umls-similarity-webinterface.pl --sab MSH --rel PAR/CHD
>>>>>>> "Testicular Neoplasms" "Amelogenesis imperfecta local hypoplastic form"
>>>>>>> Default Settings:
>>>>>>>   --default http://atlas.ahc.umn.edu/
>>>>>>>   --measure path
>>>>>>> User Settings:
>>>>>>>   --rel PAR/CHD
>>>>>>> (-1.0, 'Testicular Neoplasms', 'Amelogenesis imperfecta local
>>>>>>> hypoplastic form')
>>>>>>> ./query-umls-similarity-webinterface.pl --sab MSH --rel PAR/CHD
>>>>>>> "Hypotrichosis 2, 146520 (3)" "PERIODONTITIS, LOCALIZED AGGRESSIVE"
>>>>>>> Default Settings:
>>>>>>>   --default http://atlas.ahc.umn.edu/
>>>>>>>   --measure path
>>>>>>> User Settings:
>>>>>>>   --rel PAR/CHD
>>>>>>> (-1.0, 'Hypotrichosis 2, 146520 (3)', 'PERIODONTITIS, LOCALIZED
>>>>>>> AGGRESSIVE')
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Jennifer L. Wilson
>>>>>>> Bioengineering, Stanford University
>>>>>>> jen.wilson...@gmail.com / 703.969.3318 <(703)%20969-3318>
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Jennifer L. Wilson
>>>>>>> Bioengineering, Stanford University
>>>>>>> jen.wilson...@gmail.com / 703.969.3318 <(703)%20969-3318>
>>>> --
>>>> Jennifer L. Wilson
>>>> Bioengineering, Stanford University
>>>> jen.wilson...@gmail.com / 703.969.3318 <(703)%20969-3318>
>>>> --
>>>> Jennifer L. Wilson
>>>> Bioengineering, Stanford University
>>>> jen.wilson...@gmail.com / 703.969.3318 <(703)%20969-3318>
>> --
>> Jennifer L. Wilson
>> Bioengineering, Stanford University
>> jen.wilson...@gmail.com / 703.969.3318 <(703)%20969-3318>

Jennifer L. Wilson
Bioengineering, Stanford University
jen.wilson...@gmail.com / 703.969.3318
  • [umls-similarity... Jennifer Wilson jen.wilson...@gmail.com [umls-similarity]
    • Re: [umls-s... Ted Pedersen duluth...@gmail.com [umls-similarity]
      • Re: [um... Ted Pedersen duluth...@gmail.com [umls-similarity]
        • Re:... Jennifer Wilson jen.wilson...@gmail.com [umls-similarity]
          • ... Ted Pedersen duluth...@gmail.com [umls-similarity]
            • ... Jennifer Wilson jen.wilson...@gmail.com [umls-similarity]
              • ... Ted Pedersen duluth...@gmail.com [umls-similarity]
                • ... Jennifer Wilson jen.wilson...@gmail.com [umls-similarity]
                • ... Jennifer Wilson jen.wilson...@gmail.com [umls-similarity]
                • ... Ted Pedersen duluth...@gmail.com [umls-similarity]
                • ... Ted Pedersen duluth...@gmail.com [umls-similarity]
                • ... Jennifer Wilson jen.wilson...@gmail.com [umls-similarity]
                • ... Ted Pedersen duluth...@gmail.com [umls-similarity]
                • ... Jennifer Wilson jen.wilson...@gmail.com [umls-similarity]
                • ... Ted Pedersen duluth...@gmail.com [umls-similarity]
                • ... duluth...@gmail.com [umls-similarity]
                • ... Jennifer Wilson jen.wilson...@gmail.com [umls-similarity]
                • ... Ted Pedersen duluth...@gmail.com [umls-similarity]

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