chill wrote: 
> From 'here'
> (
> I found:
> > 
  >   > 
  > sudo cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq
  > sudo cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_min_freq
  > sudo cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq
> > 
> get maximum CPU frequency under load, minimum CPU frequency at
> idle, and current frequency respectively.
> Mine's currently at 600000 (600MHz), since it's at idle, and has a
> maximum of 1.5GHz.  Does it jump straight to 1.5GHz under normal load
> conditions, such that any speed other than 600MHz or 1.5GHz indicates
> that it's trying to run at full speed but is being throttled?  Or does
> it step up gradually from 600MHz according to the amount of load?  If
> the latter, how can you tell if it's throttling or just not under
> enough load to need to go faster?
> I've just applied the firmware update posted 'here'
> (,
> and it's had a noticeable effect.  I'd been logging the CPU
> temperature over night, and it stayed at 59 degrees all night,
> occasionally changing to 60 degrees, but I think that's just the
> precision of the sensor, since the RPi4 wasn't doing anything.  A few
> minutes after rebooting after the firmware update and it's dropped to
> 56 degrees.  That's the 3-5 degrees reduction that was expected for
> the new firmware.
> EDIT: Standing upright, such that the upward airflow is parallel to
> the fins on the heatsink, I'm seeing another couple of degrees drop. 
> It's now steady at 54 degrees at idle.  That's the same temperature as
> another 3B+ I have that's idling inside an official case.  This
> evening I'll mount it in place of my main 3B+ that's inside my
> amplifier chassis, to see what effect that has.  At this point I'm
> quite encouraged by the temperatures.Tbh you'd have to check which governor 
> is in use, there are several and
they all behave slightly differently. Generally it ramps up the speed
quickly but the CPU has to be busy enough to have no idle states between
clock interrupts for the clock speed to step up.

Essentially though, if the cpu remains 100% busy and you are not
sustaining maximum clock speed then it's likely that the firmware has
stepped in to keep the temp down.

-Transcoded from Matt's brain by Tapatalk-

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