chill wrote: 
> Thanks Matt - just spotted this.  I haven't had the 4B in full-time
> service for the last couple of days, so don't have any new experience of
> the temperature behaviour, but now that my buttons are working again
> I'll get this 4B installed in my amplifier enclosure and get some
> experience with it over the weekend.

First impressions:  Running LMS and Squeezelite seem to provide only a
very light load to the 4B.  CPU temperature seems to be dominated by the
ambient temperature and limited airflow inside my amplifier enclosure. 
So with the amplifier powered up and playing music from Squeezelite, the
CPU sits in the mid- to high-60s.  I can easily get it into the low 70s
by doing something more demanding, like transcoding a FLAC album with
oggenc, but for the majority of the time when it's just being a server
and a player the temperature seems under control.

I realise this is not an ideal environment for a device that may be
marginal on heat, and I may end up swapping the 3B+ back in, but the
extra responsiveness of the server, quicker library scans, and even the
faster reboots are all nice to have.  I suppose I don't really need the
server to be running on this device, so I could even put an older Pi in
there and just run Squeezelite on it, and run LMS on the 4B externally,
but my target was always to have an all-in-one integrated amp.

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