A heads-up for anyone who uses a push button to toggle their pCP on and
off: there's another new feature in the RPi 4B.  The halt command
apparently puts the device into a very low power state, from which it
can no longer be woken by grounding GPIO3.  One of my front panel
buttons is dedicated to doing a safe shutdown (using the pCP shutdown
overlay), and I had used GPIO3 for this specifically so that the same
button could be used to wake the device.

There is a way to reinstate this behaviour though.  'This post'
on the Raspberry Pi forum details how to tweak the on-board bootloader. 
The downside apparently is that after this tweak the 4B will draw more
power once halted than the 3B does, but in my case I felt that the
benefit of being able to toggle the 4B on and off with the same button
outweighed this extra current draw, since my 4B will rarely be halted
like this.  So I went ahead and applied the tweak, and now the old
behaviour is working again.

chill's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=10839
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=110727

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