chill wrote: 
> Thanks for persevering.  OK, so there's evidently something real here,
> but it's odd that I can't reproduce it with either of my Pirate Audio
> boards, or on two different RPis.  If the Y button is responding with my
> script loaded, then you must have the pre-Jan 23rd version.  And if you
> can get Jivelite and the buttons working simply by running the sbpd
> script after Jivelite has started, then that would seem to rule out
> possible errors in the script.*
> I think you've mentioned in the past that your RPi sits at the
> 'Requesting system poweroff' screen, without ever launching Jivelite. 
> But that screen is part of the shutdown process, not the boot process,
> so can you clarify whether you do in fact see the RPi booting up again? 
> Do you see the boot up messages on screen, including this header?:
> > 
  >   >          _ _____             ___  __
  > ___  (_) ___/__  _______ / _ \/ /__ ___ _____ ____
  > / _ \/ / /__/ _ \/ __/ -_) ___/ / _ `/ // / -_) __/
  > / .__/_/\___/\___/_/  \__/_/  /_/\_,_/\_, /\__/_/
  > /_/                                   /___/
> > 
> If you do, then perhaps we should be looking into the log file to see
> what's happening at boot to prevent Jivelite from loading.  You can
> turn on all logging with Ralphy's instructions 'here'
> (
> Jivelite.log can then be found in /var/log/.  If it's booting but not
> launching Jivelite at all, then I guess that file might not be
> created, or might be empty, in which case the log files in the
> Diagnostics section of pCP might help.
> * By the way, if you're using a Mac, I can recommend FileZilla as a
> way to access the RPi - it gives you a graphical interface to transfer
> files.  And if you also install TextWrangler you can set up FileZilla
> to use TextWrangler as the default editor.  This allows you to
> right-click in a folder on the RPi to create a new blank file, then
> right-click on that new file in order to View/Edit it, and it will
> load into TextWrangler.  You can then paste the script in, and there
> should be no formatting differences.

Last message before heading off to work!

I can confirm the following:

1. The script runs fine on the command line as user tc,
no need to run it as sudo
2. With /home/tc/ entered in the User Commands in Tweaks,
on rebooting, the Pi doesn't reach Jivelite.
3. With no user command defined in Tweaks, the Pi boots to Jivelite.
Buttons don't work, until I run /home/tc/ on the command
line, then everything is fine. All button presses work as expected.

I already use Filezilla, but haven't done so for the Pi. 

I'll play some more this evening. Thanks for all the effort on this -
frustrating that it is so close!


*Home: *Raspberry Pi 3/piCoreplayer/LMS7.9.2  with files on QNAP
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2 x Squeezebox Radios, 1 X Squeezebox 3 (retired), spare
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with touchscreen/piCorePlayer/IQaudIO DAC and Amp
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