w3wilkes wrote: 
> I know there are those that don't think playlists work well in your root
> music folder, but I have always had them there with no issue. 

I used to have my playlists folder under my main music folder, and I
have a vague memory of that creating duplicate track entries in the
database, ie every song I had listed in a playlist appeared twice in my
library, even though there was only 1 physical version. No idea why, but
the problem went away when I moved the playlist into a different folder
outside the main music repository.

As it happens, this wasn't a playlist problem, it was the fact that the
synchronisation process had changed the filenames, so the playlist
referenced songs which were not there, and hence the blanks. If the
problem had been with the playlists (as opposed to 'in chair') I may
well have ended up going down the relative file locations path, so thank
you for the advice.

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