If there are already some notes on doing a release,
then please tell the mailinglist(archive) about it.


work to do that already kept me from "simply releasing" a few times because it takes a bit of time and diligence:


 - update ChangeLog, NEWS and THANKS
 - update doc/UrJTAG.txt and README
 - update version in configure.ac


 - update, build and commit web content
 - find out how and where to put the new content online

It has been almost 10 years since I did the latter. Maybe I can dig out how to do at least *that* and help a bit.


 - (TBD) build binaries for download, especially for windows..

Do NOT make any last-minute functional/build/code changes. Just touch documentation for the release.

The only overall change that I find worth considering at this moment is maybe to separate all the handcrafted or compiled chip data (urjtag/data content) from the actual UrJTAG code. Especially with the "new" ability to read BSDL directly, the data/ lost its importance somewhat. This question might be discussed especially by the maintainers of urjtag packages for distribution?

Nb the "urjtag.com" and "urjtag.de" domain registration only lives until the end of this year, but I'll continue to support "urjtag.org". If the project is not moved somewhere else where there is no webserver for the www. A record, as it is now configured with sourceforge.. well, anyway, that is certainly not life-critical for the project.


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