On Sun, 04 Mar 2018 12:31:09 +0100, Kolja Waschk wrote:

>> If there are already some notes on doing a release,
>> then please tell the mailinglist(archive) about it.
> Hi,
> work to do that already kept me from "simply releasing" a few times 
> because it takes a bit of time and diligence:
> urjtag/
>   - update ChangeLog, NEWS and THANKS
>   - update doc/UrJTAG.txt and README
>   - update version in configure.ac

btw, version in counfigure.ac reflects svn revision, not git commit

> web/
>   - update, build and commit web content
>   - find out how and where to put the new content online

github? with move to github additional advantage should be
gerrithub.io for code review.

> It has been almost 10 years since I did the latter. Maybe I can dig out 
> how to do at least *that* and help a bit.
> etc..
>   - (TBD) build binaries for download, especially for windows..
> Do NOT make any last-minute functional/build/code changes. Just touch 
> documentation for the release.
> The only overall change that I find worth considering at this moment is 
> maybe to separate all the handcrafted or compiled chip data (urjtag/data 
> content) from the actual UrJTAG code. Especially with the "new" ability 
> to read BSDL directly, the data/ lost its importance somewhat. This 
> question might be discussed especially by the maintainers of urjtag 
> packages for distribution?

that's partial truth - python bindings still looks for 'native' urjtag data.
i haven't seen ability to say in python like in urjtag itself 'bsdl path 

> Nb the "urjtag.com" and "urjtag.de" domain registration only lives until 
>   the end of this year, but I'll continue to support "urjtag.org". If 
> the project is not moved somewhere else where there is no webserver for 
> the www. A record, as it is now configured with sourceforge.. well, 
> anyway, that is certainly not life-critical for the project.
> Regards,
> Kolja
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