I think, at least in MacOSX, that this is just the form any application gets this information', including the finder.

It looks very suspiciously like the dump you get when you type "ls -l" in the terminal window. Something has to 'waste the time' getting this information....be it rev, the command line or another app.

Maybe I should have said 'another lengthy function call per line'...
I already use a cached file list, but if I hit a folder with thousands of files in it and only need the size of 1 file in that particular folder, it seems like wasted CPU time to pull the entire folder contents.

Richard Gaskin wrote:
John Craig wrote:
I'm recursing through a (sometimes large) list of files and folders which can take a while, so I was trying to avoid another function call per line.

A perfect case for using "the detailed files", so you can rapidly get all of the size info for an entire directory in one call, and the just format the info or calculate it however you need.


stephen barncard
s a n  f r a n c i s c o
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