Anyway, happy birthday, Commodore 64! Too bad your parents (Commodore) didn't know their a**es from a hole in the ground when it came to promoting you and your siblings (Amiga 500/1000/1200/2000/2500/3000/4000/CDTV/CD32)....<sigh again>.

Hi Russell :

Thanks for the bait . Those of us that attended 'World of Amiga'
shows and spent time speaking to Commodore Rep's might disagree
with you (and then some) .

 Bill Gates is a very rich man and did not get that way by being
a nice guy . 1984 & if you had the opportunity to work with ;

1) Macs
2) Commodore
3) Windows

 you would have run away from Windows because it was/(is still)
a pig . Seriously . I walked out of a meeting one time due to
the fact I could not bare to sit and watch Windows reboot and
load Excel yet again . Honestly , un  -  fucking  -  bearable .

 Sounds crazy , but I lent the Engineering company my Mac Plus
while I worked away on my Amiga , but when I asked for it back
a few times , they obviously did not want to let it go .

  I let myself in one night with the key I still had (I had
moved on) but tripped the silent alarm . Cops with hands on
guns surrounded me as tried to make off with my Mac (no bull).

The cops let me go with my (no hard-drive) Mac . Of course I
immediately explained to my previous employer that they simply
needed to drop 386-Windows and just buy some Macs ! They did .

 Those amazing days of the Amiga ! Man O' Man !! They are gone
and will never be seen again . Killed dead , not due to an acc-
ident or any kind of marketing neglect on Commodore's part .

far from it ... but hey ! OJ is innocent!! WOMD ... DUCK !!!
(shhhh ... everyone go back to sleep)


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