Sorry , and forgive the top posting , ...

but no :

 It wasn't salaries . It wasn't da 68060 Amiga . It was ->
the gifted inner circle (if you will) not being able to
survive in those piranha infested waters (circa 1992) .

 It was business . Plain & simple . Some took Microsloth to court .
Apple for one . The US Federal Government for another . Commodore's
naive, trusting, blessed visionaries never even knew what hit them .

The MS/Intel cartel was not a figment of our imagination . It was
as real as a cold marble slab (hence our tendency to look away) .

  It's all ancient history and it doesn't matter really except
as a matter of principal or perhaps a kind of morbid curiosity .

Microsloth's extremely heavy-handed approach was not only well
known and very well documented but also very successful . Comm-
odore could never in a million years compete in that kind of an
environment and so then did naturally, readily, easily succumb .

 Probably for the best ... or not ... who's to say ? They say
the strong survive . Commodore was not strong . It was feeble .
Strong intellectually . Weak dolphins amid the strong sharks .

  However the community was very strong ! So what to do about
us?  -> Have the technology bought by a promising company who
will , ... , will sit on it until it's obsolete ! So simple .

 What I can say (in my most profound opinion [since I was there
as a 37 year old adult]) ... Commodore was murdered and did not
commit marketing suicide (though a trail of clues and dozens of
obvious facts would prove me embarrassingly wrong) .

oh well

Those guys like R J Mical (Intuition programmer) and Jay Miner (graphics chip designer extraordinaire) are gods in my view and did amazing things with the available technology, no argument here. But the Execs in the position(s) to put real money towards advertising the product (I can't tell you how many people, even to this day, have never even heard of the Amiga) and development of future chips (AGA came too late, and sound never improved - although it was, for it's time, ahead of the pack in many ways) would rather pay themselves ridiculous saleries instead.

Of course, having Motorola drop the 680x0 line didn't help. If only they had bit the bullet and switched to the PPC a bit earlier and with all of their effort, things may have been different. <sniff>


----- Original Message ----- From: "studio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 2:59 AM
Subject: Re: Happy birthday... (quite off topic here)

Anyway, happy birthday, Commodore 64! Too bad your parents (Commodore) didn't know their a**es from a hole in the ground when it came to promoting you and your siblings (Amiga 500/1000/1200/2000/2500/3000/4000/CDTV/CD32)....<sigh again>.

Hi Russell :

Thanks for the bait . Those of us that attended 'World of Amiga'
shows and spent time speaking to Commodore Rep's might disagree
with you (and then some) .

 Bill Gates is a very rich man and did not get that way by being
a nice guy . 1984 & if you had the opportunity to work with ;

1) Macs
2) Commodore
3) Windows

 you would have run away from Windows because it was/(is still)
a pig . Seriously . I walked out of a meeting one time due to
the fact I could not bare to sit and watch Windows reboot and
load Excel yet again . Honestly , un  -  fucking  -  bearable .

 Sounds crazy , but I lent the Engineering company my Mac Plus
while I worked away on my Amiga , but when I asked for it back
a few times , they obviously did not want to let it go .

  I let myself in one night with the key I still had (I had
moved on) but tripped the silent alarm . Cops with hands on
guns surrounded me as tried to make off with my Mac (no bull).

The cops let me go with my (no hard-drive) Mac . Of course I
immediately explained to my previous employer that they simply
needed to drop 386-Windows and just buy some Macs ! They did .

 Those amazing days of the Amiga ! Man O' Man !! They are gone
and will never be seen again . Killed dead , not due to an acc-
ident or any kind of marketing neglect on Commodore's part .

far from it ... but hey ! OJ is innocent!! WOMD ... DUCK !!!
(shhhh ... everyone go back to sleep)


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