----- Original Message ----- 
From: "studio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <user-list@light.realsoft3d.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2008 3:35 AM
Subject: Re: Can We Use OpenGL in the UV Editor ? Tutorial #4

> >> When is Daddy coming home ?
> >> Why are the wolves laughing ? 
> > Part 1:
> > http://bild-frei.com/index.php?id=45
> > (OK, quick and dirty....
> > not very much time on the table...)
> > Matthias
> Hi Matthias :
>   This is a very beautiful tutorial . It almost looks like
> 'Flash' , the way it loads . What S/W did you use to build
> it ? (i'm still using notepad) .

Typo3 (an open source CMS www.typo3.org)
Borders of the thumbs are generated on the serverside
via typo3+graphicsmagick+mask.
Popup Effect is a extension, which integrates Lightbox
in Typo3. I have to layout it, that it fits to the rest of the
website, but not enough time .....
>   Anyway , yes , thanks for doing this , and I tried these
> exact same steps a few days ago . Trust me , I get the con-
> cept of 'Map2object' and using a cylinder . I just didn't
> get any good results , but I think it was just the model
> that was used (the head.r3d object) .

Hmmmmm, maybe the cylinder seam was not at the
right side. More or less is it a simple projection of
coordinates from the cylinder to the heads default
UV-coordsys what is done behind the curtain :-?


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