On 4/7/14, 10:07 AM, Geoffry Roberts wrote:
My original question remains: Is the Accumulo Client dependent on the
Hadoop Client fully?  This determination can be made through trial and
error.  But I'm looking to leverage OPE (other people's experience) if
it exists.

I thought someone had already said this (but I may be confusing threads): the Accumulo API uses Text throughout. Hadoop is a required dependency.

In the same spirit, does anyone know if all the following are required
to run an Accumulo Client? core, fate, start, trace?  If I attempt to
OSGify, I'm trying to figure how much trouble am I getting into.

Yes, that should be about it from within Accumulo. You might need some other foss dependencies also available, but I'm not aware on what your "container" (or w/e the proper terminology would be) provides.

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